Experience Counts
Rachel Mondragon serves as Director of Financial Institution Compliance, a division of JRBT Bank Consulting where she brings notable experience working with banks, credit unions, fintech providers, mortgage companies as well as other institutions. Throughout her career, Rachel has assisted various clients with remediation efforts and compliance with federal and state enforcement actions. Rachel is recognized for executing detailed assessments while taking a hands-on approach to compliance services. Her experience includes a comprehensive knowledge of consumer protection regulations and other related laws, with an emphasis in BSA/AML, lending compliance and fair lending.

Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas
BA Degree in Psychology

Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager
Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist
Certified AML & Fraud Professional

Professional Associations
American Bankers Association
Institute of Certified Bankers Association
Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists
Dallas Area Compliance Association

Email: Rachel_Mondragon@jrbt.com
Direct: 254.297.4206